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  1. freesoul

    The anchor throws an air of arrogance. More than twice she used the statement, “It is far better than I thought it would be” in a sarcastic and a condescending tone. I wonder why do a show on a place, if you are not truly convinced of its worth. Its like going to a wedding and bitching about everything there. Ooty is one of the best known hill stations in south India, has been very popular. It was established by the British, just like any other hill stations in the rest of the Indian sub-continent. Stop pretending like you just landed from another planet. The comments at the chocolate shop, were absolutely unnecessary. Your attitude at the coffee shop was no better. Better do something else.

    1. Curry Connection

      I so agree. Glad I’m not the only one who thinks that Aneesha was thoroughly unhappy doing this travelogue and she wanted to make sure she rubs it in big time!!! Overly sarcastic and borderline rude with her comments!

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